hi this is mitch lee from saturday nights at 6pm on the show times of your life music you grew up with we plAY MUSIC FOM THE DOO WOOP FIFITIES TO THE MUSIC OF THE 90S THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC FROM THE PAST THATS WHY I DECIDIED TO DO THIS TYPE OF SHOW I HAVE WORKED WITH ALOT OF OLDIE ACTS FROM THE PAST IN MY YOUNGER Days as a night club dj i have worked the shrilles the happenings the passions and so on and so on i brought on another dj who is abig record collector his name is bruce eastlund and goes by name of mr beastie he has worked at alot of fuctions and alot of organizations and was a dj in his younger days at middlesex county collage so between us we have a great collection of music if there is a special song from the past let us know or anything special of a certin group from the past let us know it been a great three years years at homegrown and i met alot of interesting people and hope to do the show for a ver long time by the summer we shoulld have a couple of sponsers joining us coulnt make it theses past few due to poor health and family things and bad weather going on please join this comming saturday at 6pm thank you mitch lee