An automobile engine starts via an Cadillac Transponder Key, which is activated by a designated key or other token. An engine immobilizer prevents the activation of an ignition system by Chrysler Transponder Key.
Immobilizer An engine immobilizer refers to an electronic device used to prevent an engine from starting unless Mercedes Benz Transponder Key or token is used. Immobilizers are commonly used to prevent a car engine from being "hot wired" via the illegal manipulation of wiring.
Process Engine immobilizers use a coded key system. The key contains a microcircuit which is activated via an electromagnetic field. This field enables current to pass through the key body, which sends a signal to the vehicle's Engine Control Unit. Once the ECU confirms the coded key is valid, it starts the fuel-injection sequence.
No-Start Condition Some versions of engine immobilizers will activate a timed "no-start" condition. This means it will not allow the engine to be activated by any means for a certain period of time after attempts are made to start the car using an unauthorized key. More advanced engine immobilizers may use mobile phone or satellite communication to alert a security firm of an attempt at an unauthorized engine activation.
How to determine the car keys with electronic chip Finding yourself locked out of your car is a terrible feeling. Matters are much worse when you only have Honda Transponder Key. You must find out if your car has an electronic chip in the key before you get into this situation.
1 Read over the information in your car's owner's manual. It should give you information about your car's ignition system and whether or not Nissan Transponder Key contain an electronic chip.
2 Call the car dealership where you bought your car. Your salesperson should be able to give you information about Kia Transponder Key.
3 Contact a locksmith. Give the locksmith the make, model and year of your car, and they should be able to find out if your car key has an electronic chip.
4 Assume that your car has an electronic chip if it is a model made after 1995. Regular keys look the same as electronic keys, so you cannot determine if they have a chip based on your key's physical appearance.
Your owner's manual will send you to the dealership for programmed key information, but will also guide you to a locksmith who can answer your questions or get you into your car, if necessary.